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Terracon Trusted brand for Exterior/Outdoor Floor Tiles, Wall Tiles

Terracon Trusted brand for Exterior/Outdoor Floor Tiles, Wall Tiles

Ashik Amal983 14-Jan-2020

Terracon tiles - One of the trusted brands for Exterior & Outdoor floor tiles in Kerala, Designer Tiles, paving tiles, wall tiles. We manufacturing high-quality Outdoor floor tiles that can live in any climate .

Our product is here in the cultural capital of kerala. For your attention our factory functions at mundur which is only at a short distance of 13km from trichur to-wards north. As the pioneers of terracotta makers,we had no problem at all; when we switched over to manufacture; a similar product buy using with different types of raw material and technology. The result was fantastic. Our product, got the grandear of an antique show piece; as well as the grace and charm of a modern artifact. No wonder when people walk through the pavements and courtyards spread over with our terracon tiles their attention always attract the charm and grace of our tile laid below. Apart from the elegance of our product, it is strong enough to bear weight and preasure, The product is scratch resisant. ‘Watchout’ our selling outlets will be opening shortly in every districts of Kerala

Marketing Manager

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